“As a 37 year resident of Brisbane, I am excited to endorse Frank Kern for City Council. I have worked for the last 3 years with Frank as a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee. When Frank works on any project or event, his first words are: “How can I help?” He is such a great resource for thorough research, innovative ideas, and he is not afraid to get his hands dirty and do the hard work. Frank is a great listener and is always eager to learn what our community needs. Whether it is our children, our teens, our working adults or our seniors, Frank really cares about the well being of everyone in town. I think his collaborative and honest way of working on issues will be a welcome new direction on our City council. There are many tough issues that the City Council will be tackling in the next years, I think Frank’s intelligent and capable approach to problem solving will help to consider these issues with new transparency and honesty. Frank has proven his abilities to really focus in on all the details of city government, the way it works, and the ways it doesn't. His genuine desire to make Brisbane a safe, beautiful, thriving town is why I am happy to support his bid for City Council.”
– Leesa Greenlee, Parks and Recreation Commissioner